Congrats On Making It To The Month Of April And A New Quarter In The Year 2015

It is indeed with great joy that I welcome us into the new month of April. Asides the fact that it coincides with the date of a new era in Nigeria with the just concluded presidential elections and emergence of Muhammadu Buhari as the next president of Nigeria, April is also the start of the 2nd quarter of the year 2015.

This is also a time to reflect on those goals you set for yourself at the beginning of 2015. If you have been able to achieve them already in the last quarter, kudos to you!! Which means time to move on to other things and if you are yet to achieve them, you still have the opportunity to do so now, so GET TO IT!!

However, remember to put God first in everything you do and I wish us all a WONDERFUL and FULFILLING month ahead!!

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