Walk Or Die! Despite Weighing 318kg, Woman Refuses To Walk After Weight Loss Surgery

The issue of fat continues to be a major issue especially for women as we always want to look good in clothes and of course look appealing to the opposite sex.

But what happens when some one is too fat and despite people trying to help her, she refuses to lose weight? That is what is going on with 51 year old Pauline Potter from California.

She is morbidly obese and finally took a positive step to lose weight because of her son by having a gastric bypass surgery. However, she continues to put her life in danger by refusing to walk after the surgery even though she was warned that she could develop a blood clot from her lack of physical activity and die.

Weighing 700lbs (318kg), Pauline who is completely dependent on her 21 year old son Dillon, realized the severe impact her weight was having on her health and decided to move to Houston, Texas, to receive treatment from obesity specialist Dr Younan Nowzaradan.

Unfortunately, after undergoing the gastric bypass, she refuses to get out of bed and according to the doctor she is supposed to start doing little physical exercises like walking to help get her weight further down after the surgery.

Dr Nowzaradan also says if she continues this way, she wouldn't survive another year as she isn't willing to make any changes to her lifestyle and the surgery would have been a waste.

Although she feels like a burden, Pauline says she can't stop eating as it is the highlight of her day.

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