Thailand To Now Officially Recognize Transgenders In Their Constitution?

The issue of transgenders has been a very controversial one worldwide. There have been many cases whereby people that are born male want to have a sex change to the opposite sex and vice versa.

According to reports, Thailand will soon recognize a third gender category for the first time in the country's constitution.

Speaking on this likely development, the spokesperson of Constitution Drafting Committee, Kamnoon Sittisamarn, says they are working on a new draft of the country's constitution. 

He also goes on to say:  

"It is a human right if you were born a male or female and you want to have a sex change or lead a life of a different gender. People should have [that] freedom to change sex and they should be equally protected by the Constitution and the law and treated fairly."

What this simply means is that  as a Third gender, that individual does not have to identify as either male or female.

If this adjustment is made to their constitution, Thailand would join several Asian countries, including India, Pakistan and Nepal, that have recently moved to recognize third gender.

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