Ladies, Would You Use The Latest 16 Year Contraceptive Chip That Uses A Remote Control?

In what is being seen as a major breakthrough, scientists have invented a 16 year electronic chip that will serve as a contraceptive for women when slipped under the skin.

Once in place, this postage stamp-sized device is in contrast to various implants already in existence which last only up to 5 years.

That not all, the chip also comes with a remote control that allows the woman to simply turn it off if she decides to try for a family and when she needs contraception again, she can turn it back on just as easily.

The device is expected to be on the market by 2018 and will consist of a case which contains the chip, a battery and electronics for drug release and for wireless communication to the remote control.

The chip contains a series of tiny wells, each packed with a daily dose of Levonorgestrel, a hormone widely used in existing contraceptives. At a pre-programmed release time, a small electrical current melts the metal cap on a single well, releasing the contraceptive into the bloodstream.

Meanwhile, the remote control can be used to over-ride the programme when needed.

One of the system’s co-inventor is world top scientist, Robert Langer whose other achievements range from growing an ear on the back of a mouse to creating a spray that keeps frizzy hair at bay.

The new contraceptive chip is designed to be implanted just below the skin of the buttocks, upper arm or stomach and can be done in a 30 minute operation.

So ladies who is on board this 16 year train?

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