Are You Addicted To The Internet?

A research recently carried out has found that 53% of gadget owners including smartphones worldwide admit to having feelings of anxiety when they can’t use their phones.

Also, around 1 in 8 people in the UK admit that they use their smartphones at least once every hour and two thirds claimed they couldn't do without their smartphones for a day!

Are you one of them? Do you stay up late into the night using the internet? Are you upset or angry when you can't log on or when your subscription expires? 

If you answered yes to these questions then you might be addicted to the internet! But before you get so upset, you can console yourself with the fact that it is you and roughly about 182 Million people around the world with this addiction.(that doesn't make it better though)

However, by studying previous academic papers that referenced the addiction, and comparing this to internet penetration figures for different countries, a software firm, Frontrange, also found out that the Middle East is the most addicted region of the world.

Meanwhile, some of the signs that you might be addicted include the following:  

• Do you ignore and avoid other activities to spend more time using devices?

• Do you think about being online when you are offline?

• Do you feel criticized by others about the amount of time they spend online?

• Do you feel tense or bad if you can’t get online - a feeling which noticeably goes away when you are allowed to get back online?

For Dr Richard Graham, who runs a technology addiction programme at London's Capio Nightingale Hospital, even though the internet has become very important to modern life, it is important that we find the right balance between maximizing the benefits of new technologies without forming an unhealthy dependence. 

So people my advice to all of us(myself included) is that when electronic devices start to have more influence over our behavior than anyone else or anything else, then we need to make a positive change.

You might have to start a phone detoxification....sounds weird but is true. You might need to just disconnect every internet connection on your phone for a few days and then gradually re-introduce it for a few hours daily.

Establishing a maximum daily time allowance will help you get back in control and not allow that gadget have power over you.

So who is with me on this one?

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