Would You Marry A Partner You Don't Trust? This Woman Did!

Cheating continues to be a major issue in relationships and a woman in Leicester took it to the next level by forcing her boyfriend take a lie detector test every time to prove he has been faithful every time they are not together.

43 year old Debbie Wood, was so afraid her boyfriend, Steve Wood, would stray that she even checked his phone, email accounts and bank statements for signs of infidelity several times a day! She even banned him from watching women on television or looking at pictures of them in magazines.

However, she claims she has now put her fears aside and married Steve because she found out she has a rare condition, Othello Syndrome, that causes delusional jealousy.

The couple started dating in 2011 after they met through a friend on Facebook. She installed child-proof filters on his laptop and mobile phone to stop him looking at explicit pictures of women and banned him from watching any television programmes featuring women.

Mrs Wood was diagnosed with Othello Syndrome last September, with the condition affecting her so badly that she could barely leave the house. She was prescribed anti-anxiety medication and also underwent therapy to deal with her issues.

The name of the condition is derived from the play by William Shakespeare, in which the character of Othello murders his wife Desdemona after suspecting infidelity.

According to research, around 15 per cent of sufferers have been violent towards their partners, including a 63 year old man, Robert Mercati, who killed his wife Margaret at their home earlier this year after being diagnosed with the condition. He had installed electric bugs around the house believing his wife was being unfaithful.

However, despite her condition ,Steve Wood has stood by his woman and says he loves her which is why he has gone ahead to marry her. He says he is willing to put up with it, because he knows they are soulmates. 

Hmnnn...I just hope this doesn't end up tragic. What would you do if it was you?

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