Some Good And Bad News

The good news is that the Minister Of Health, Onyebuchi Chukwu has announced that Nigeria now has only one confirmed case of the Ebola diease which indicates that its being brought under control(to the Glory of God),however the Federal Government insists that resumption of schools should still be postponed.

The Minister of Education,Mallam Ibrahim Shekarau has made it known that resumption of both public and private primary and secondary schools should be in October as opposed to the usual September date.

According to him,this would ensure that adequate preventive measures are put in place before the students resume fully back at school.

While I appreciate this,the 'kinda' bad news is more shouting at home with my children( stop it! sit down there! dont go there! etc not to mention the whining from the kids;'mummy i'm bored and the famous 'i am hungry')

Whatever the case though prevention is better than cure and may God continue to keep us from any form of evil.

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