True Love...Does It Really Exist??

Hmnnn...I have been so busy in the past couple of days but finally decided to relax with a good novel and just lose myself in the make believe world but man was I in for a surprise! From the first chapter I was hooked ,by the third chapter I was in tears and by the time I got to the middle of the book I was wailing like no man's business(....crazy I know) you need to have seen me when I watched the movie 'Best Man Holiday',I wept for days!!

The novel 'Redeeming Love' will tug at your heart strings no matter how hard you might think you are. It is a book that tells the story of a young lady Angel who was sold into prostitution at the young age of 8 years old. The only way she survives this trauma is by hating men and using her body to survive expecting nothing from men but betrayal.

Now, what gets me in this story is that God allows her path cross that of a young christian man who marries her because God tells him to and it is a serious issue getting Angel to trust that love. She keeps running away from Michael but at the end of the day she realises Micheal's love is genuine and completely falls in love with him seeing him as her all in all. 

However,the twist in the story which trips me the most is the way God uses some issues to make her see Him as the All in All rather than Micheal who she thinks saved her.

This actually happens to most of us in life, we start to see some people that God has used to help us in our lives as our source rather than seeing that God used those people to impact our lives after all if God appeared physically to anyone of us who can stand?

Redeeming Love is a life-changing story of God's unconditional,redemptive and all-consuming love and I must say it has changed my outlook on love. Some of you might say it is just fiction ,well God is not fiction and he can allow such love be a reality.


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